Level up with
trusted AI

Start using artificial intelligence (AI) in a new way - with trusted knowledge. Learn to leverage GS1 standards, create interconnected and verifiable knowledge, and use it with AI tools to spearhead innovation. Re-invent your business practices, and create more than just marginal gains for your business or organization.
Powered by OriginTrail - the open-source
trusted knowledge foundation for AI.
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In focus:Trusted AI & GS1 standards

Trusted AI

powered by OriginTrail & GS1 standards

Trusted AI powered by GS1 standards and OriginTrail open-source technology is already reshaping industries. From international trade, to FMCG, healthcare, rail, construction, and more.

Start learning today how trusted AI works and how you can reshape your business with trusted AI & GS1 standards. FREE courses.

Trusted AI for supply chains and beyond

Reshaping industries. Powered by GS1 standards and OriginTrail.

The rise of AI tools

ChatGPT, Microsoft Bing, and Google Bard – AI tools that are widely used today – have radically increased productivity and caused significant disruptions in various industries. As useful as these tools may be, they come with two major drawbacks: accuracy and data provenance.

(01) Accuracy

Today’s AI tools often hallucinate, marking their task, but confidently providing the wrong answers to questions.

(02) Data provenance

Without any verifiable provenance of the underlying data, answers are difficult to trust.

Learn trusted AI.

Learn about the AI-powered search you can verify. Built with open-source components and leveraging global standards such as GS1, this AI-powered search uses data and information with clear visibility and verifiability of data sources as the underlying source of knowledge. This eliminates misinformation and enables users to verify the provenance of information used to answer their question. Combined with the ability to search both proprietary and public knowledge, it’s as powerful as it gets.

Explore Trace Alliance Academy courses and start learning today how to innovate, re-invent, and optimize your business or organization with trusted knowledge and trusted AI! Powered by OriginTrail.

Trace Alliance Academy can help you

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Develop valuable skills

Stay ahead of the curve. Learn how to create trusted knowledge and pair it with AI tools to drive value and spearhead innovation. Master trusted knowledge sharing with one core technology, unleash unlimited innovation potential!

Powered by OriginTrail - the open-source trusted knowledge foundation for AI.

Write your awesome label here.

Learn at your own pace

Make your learning more effective with self-paced online courses that are available 24/7.

Choose one of our industry-specific webinars, most relevant for your industry or organization. Or build a library of knowledge and ideas across various industries by choosing multiple courses.

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Work faster. Innovate better

Empower your team with a thorough understanding of the value trusted knowledge brings in the age of AI. 

Share any of our courses with your team and unleash their innovation potential. Spark new ideas of how to re-invent your processes and create new added value with the technology and tools used by the world's innovation leaders.

Trace Alliance Academy is your one-stop shop to learn about innovating, re-inventing, and optimizing with trusted knowledge and decentralized AI. Built on global standards. Powered by OriginTrail.

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Why choose us

Learn from the best in the business - the tech trailblazers and global innovation leaders building and leveraging trusted knowledge, trusted AI, and global standards such as GS1 to innovate, re-invent, and optimize even the most complex operations.

Through Trace Alliance Academy you will be learning from instructors from the OriginTrail ecosystem that have been advancing the frontiers of trusted knowledge sharing and trusted AI for years.

Developed by tech trailblazers

Learn directly from the trailblazers building the tools that leverage trusted knowledge sharing, trusted AI, and global standards to innovate, re-invent, and optimize even the most complex organizational and business processes.

Tried, tested, and used by global innovation leaders

Technologies you will be learning about have been developed in partnership with, tried, and tested by global innovation leaders and organizations like the British Standards Institution (BSI), GS1, Supplier Compliance Audit Network (SCAN), Oracle, Parity, and various Fortune 500 companies.

Accessible to anyone

The OriginTrail open-source technologies are available to anyone to start creating and leveraging trusted knowledge and trusted AI solutions. Learn about using the tools already built on top of OriginTrail or get ideas to start building your own.

Courses taught by industry leaders

Our instructors are experts in solving though business challenges with cutting-edge technolgies based on trusted knowledge, global standards, and AI across different organizations and industries. From supply chains, pharmaceuticals, construction, and consumer products, to education, media, arts, and the metaverse.

With the guidance of our instructors, you will:
  • Understand the potentials and pitfalls  of emerging AI technologies and the value of trusted knowledge for specific industries.
  • Understand how to drive transparency, optimize operations, or enhance consumer interactions with trusted knowledge and trusted AI.
  • Find new innovation and re-invention potential within your organization or business network. 
  • Break down the complexities of the OriginTrail trusted knowledge foundation and associated Web3 and AI technologies to understand how to best use them for achieving your objectives.

Master trusted knowledge sharing with one core technology, unleash unlimited innovation potential!
“OriginTrail trusted knowledge foundation has been tried, tested, and used by global leaders such as Fortune 500 companies, GS1, the British Standards Institution, and others. Trace Alliance Academy courses will provide you key industry insights into ways and solutions that can make you an innovation leader as well.”

Jurij Škornik

General Manager
Trace Labs - OriginTrail core developers

OriginTrail is a global open-source ecosystem

Businesses and outstanding individuals unite to enhance different industries and the global economy within the OriginTrail ecosystem. Our community focuses on making global economies work by providing an open-source trusted knowledge foundation. Instilling trust and transparency in several sectors, from supply chains, construction, life sciences and healthcare, to metaverse, and others. Now, also pairing trusted knowledge with AI tools to bring trust and transparency to the age of AI.

Join the global innovators and re-inventers, start learning about trusted knowledge and trusted AI today!

organizations part of the ecosystem

patients treated in a secure manner

US imports secured

train-path kilometres made sfare

professional certificates connected
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